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This document is a WORK IN PROGRESS.
This is just a quick personal cheat sheet: treat its contents with caution!

Suckless tools

Suckless tools is a group of quality software such as dwm, dmenu, st and plenty of other tools, with a focus on simplicity, clarity and frugality. The Suckless philosophy is about keeping things simple, minimal and usable (believing this should become the mainstream philosophy in the IT sector). While unfortunately, the tendency for complex, error prone and slow software seems to be prevalent in the present-day software industry. Suckless tools intend to prove the opposite.



Table of content


Needed dependency for building dwm

# emerge -a x11-libs/libXinerama
# pacman -S libxinerama
# apt install libxinerama
# yum install libXinerama
# dnf install libXinerama

Create a ~/bin folder to install locally (user wide) the Suckless tools and add it to your PATH:

$ mkdir -p ~/bin/
$ echo 'PATH="/home/user/bin:$PATH"' >> $HOME/.bashrc # or ${ZDOTDIR:-${HOME}}/.zshenv or wherever
$ source $HOME/.bashrc # or ${ZDOTDIR:-${HOME}}/.zshenv or wherever

Create a sucklesstools folder and clone the Suckless tools you want (e.g. dwm, st, dmenu and slock):

$ mkdir -p ~/apps/src-apps/sucklesstools
$ cd ~/apps/src-apps/sucklesstools
$ git clone git://
$ git clone git://
$ git clone git://
$ git clone git://

Now build them, and symlink their binary to the previously created ~/bin folder:

$ cd ~/apps/src-apps/sucklesstools/dwm
$ git checkout 6.2 # checkout to the last stable release (e.g. 6.2)
$ make
$ ln -s /home/user/apps/src-apps/sucklesstools/dwm/dwm /home/user/bin/

$ cd  ~/apps/src-apps/sucklesstools/st
$ git checkout 0.8.3 # checkout to the last stable release (e.g. 0.8.3)
$ make
$ ln -s /home/user/apps/src-apps/sucklesstools/st/st /home/user/bin/

$ cd ~/apps/src-apps/sucklesstools/dmenu
$ git checkout 4.9 # checkout to the last stable release (e.g. 4.9)
$ make
$ ln -s /home/user/apps/src-apps/sucklesstools/dmenu/dmenu /home/user/bin/
$ ln -s /home/user/apps/src-apps/sucklesstools/dmenu/dmenu_run /home/user/bin/
$ ln -s /home/user/apps/src-apps/sucklesstools/dmenu/dmenu_path /home/user/bin/

$ cd ~/apps/src-apps/sucklesstools/slock
$ git checkout 1.4 # checkout to the last stable release (e.g. 1.4)
$ make
$ sudo make install # you will get errors if you don't install slock this way


After building and symlinking dwm, you might want to add it to your ~/.xinitrc file in order to execute it automatically when running $ startx (for starting the xorg graphic server).

If using elogind:

$ echo "exec dbus-launch --exit-with-session dwm & # see <>" >> ~/.xinitrc
$ echo "exec dwm &" >> ~/.xinitrc


If you want more Suckless tools:


If you are interested in my fork of the Suckless tools:



See my config as an example.

apply a patch

One should keep track of patches by downloading them in a folder like this one:

$ mkdir ~/apps/src-apps/sucklesstools/patches

Find a nice patch in, download it in ~/apps/src-apps/sucklesstools/patches and apply it with:

$ patch -p1 < ~/apps/src-apps/sucklesstools/patches/patchname.diff

Or with

$ git apply ~/apps/src-apps/sucklesstools/patches/patchname.diff

Or "by hand" reading the patchname.diff patch, applying the diff line by line.

Finally, do not forget to:

$ git add *
$ git commit
In order to keep track of the modifications

st 0.8.3 patches examples

Download, e.g. alpha, scrollback, ligatures, keyboard-select, font2, vertcenter and anysize patches:

$ cd ~/apps/src-apps/sucklesstools/patches
$ curl > st-alpha-0.8.2.diff
$ curl > st-scrollback-20200419-72e3f6c.diff
$ curl > st-ligatures-alpha-scrollback-20200430-0.8.3.diff
$ curl > st-keyboard_select-0.8.2.diff
$ curl > st-font2-20190416-ba72400.diff
$ curl > st-vertcenter-20180320-6ac8c8a.diff
$ curl > st-anysize-0.8.1.diff

  • Apply the alpha patch:

    $ cd st
    $ patch -p1 < ~/apps/src-apps/sucklesstools/patches/st-alpha-0.8.2.diff
    $ diff config.h config.def.h # don't forget to merge what you see here into your config.h
    $ make clean && make

  • Apply the scrollback patch:

    $ cd st
    $ patch -p1 < ~/apps/src-apps/sucklesstools/patches/st-scrollback-20200419-72e3f6c.diff
    $ diff config.h config.def.h # don't forget to merge what you see here into your config.h
    $ make clean && make

  • Apply the ligatures patch (after installing harfbuzz dependency):

    $ cd st
    $ git git patch -p1 ~/apps/src-apps/sucklesstools/patches/st-ligatures-alpha-scrollback-20200430-0.8.3.diff
    $ make clean && make

  • Now one might notice that applying the keyboard-select patch isn't possible after all the previous patches. In this case, patching "by hand" is the only solution: open the st-keyboard_select-0.8.2.diff patch in one editor and apply the diff line by line in an other.
    With the following difference...
    In st-st-keyboard_select-0.8.2.diff Replace:

          xdrawcursor(term.c.x, term.c.y, term.line[term.c.y][term.c.x],
                      term.ocx, term.ocy, term.line[term.ocy][term.ocx]);
          xdrawcursor(term.c.x, term.c.y, term.line[term.c.y][term.c.x],
                  term.ocx, term.ocy, term.line[term.ocy][term.ocx],
                  term.line[term.ocy], term.col);

  • Also apply font2 patch st-font2-20190416-ba72400.diff by hand (no differences) (note that it won't compile until you merge the config.def.h diff in config.h)

  • Also apply vertcenter patch st-vertcenter-20180320-6ac8c8a.diff by hand (no differences)

  • Also apply anysize patch st-anysize-0.8.1.diff by hand (no differences)

customization guide








$ curl\~mgk25/ucs/examples/UTF-8-demo.txt

st troubleshooting

On Ubuntu, one might encounter the following error when trying to build st: Package fontconfig was not found in the pkg-config search path.

In this case install the following package:

# apt install libxft-dev







To identify x11 input key codes, the xev utility can be used. Just run $ xev in your terminal and enter the key in order to get its details. A lot of information will be output, with the following command you can start xev and show only the relevant parts:

$ xev | awk -F'[ )]+' '/^KeyPress/ { a[NR+2] } NR in a { printf "%-3s %s\n", $5, $8 }'

slock troubleshooting

  • If you get this error slock: getgrnam nogroup: group entry not found, then you might want to apply this:

    $ sed -i 's|static const char \*group = "nogroup";|static const char *group = "nobody";|' config.def.h
    $ sed -ri 's/((CPP|C|LD)FLAGS) =/\1 +=/g'
    Then don't forget to change config.h according to the new config.def.h.

  • If you get this error slock: unable to disable OOM killer. Make sure to suid or sgid slock., then you might want to build slock like so: $ make clean && sudo make install to install it system wide and not just user wide.

If this cheat sheet has been useful to you, then please consider leaving a star here.